How to Address Wedding Invitations

Pristine Wedding InvitationsInvitation Envelopes Etiquette & Wording

As with any aspect of a formal occasion, every nuance of etiquette needs to be followed. There are conventions for thank you notes, for invitation wording and even on how to properly address wedding invitations and envelopes. By sticking to the rules of etiquette that are pertinent to this particular aspect of the wedding invitation, the “perfect wedding” can be achieved. While there are some that won’t care if it is perfect, there are those that want every single detail to be exacting. This guide is for those people.

The outer envelope should contain the names of the invited guests and their address. Write your return address on the outside envelope in the event that the sender doesn’t have a recent address. Traditionally, the return address, without names, is written on the back flap, not on the front of the invitation envelope. This will also ensure that those guests who want to send cards and gifts directly to your home will have the correct address.

Each guest’s title and family name is written on the inner envelope, along with the first names of the invited children.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller
David and Susan

Use formal names. If you would like to use middle names be sure to write out the full name.
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Joseph

Spell out words such as apartment, avenue, street, and state names.
543 South Maple Street
Denver, Colorado

Abbreviate only Mr., Mrs., Ms., Jr., and Messrs. Write out professional titles, such as doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller
Doctor and Mrs. Henry Anderson

Address envelopes to both members of married couples even if you only know one.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Adams

The phrase “and Family” should only be used when everyone under the same roof is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris and Family
Doctor and Mrs. Henry Anderson and Family

Address envelopes to unmarried couples with the names on separate lines, listed alphabetically by last name.
Ms. Roberta Smith
Mr. Joseph Thompson
Mr. Henry Albright
Mr. Jeremy Barnes

Single guests should be listed by name on the outer envelope.
Mr. Robert Smith

For single guests, you may also add “and Guest” to the inner envelope.
Mr. Smith and Guest