15 Creative Perks to Keep Employees Happy
Recognition & Motivation Ideas
Sometimes small businesses need more than just competitive compensation to keep employees happy. If you’re looking for some creative perks, consider one or more of the following. They will certainly keep employees working hard!
Creative Perks:
Bring Your Dog to Work day.
It’s all in the name. Dogs have been known to calm the stressed while boosting moods. Plus, many people dislike leaving their dogs alone all day. Have a weekly or monthly day where dogs are welcome in the office.
Weekly Breakfasts.
How often do your employees show up late because they’ve been waiting at the drive thru? Supply breakfast every once in a while- your employees will show up on time, focused and ready to work.
Summer Hours.
There are many ways to offer summer hours. You could give employees Friday flex schedules; offer extra summer vacation days, shorter work hours, or anything else. Since summer is such a popular time for travel, parties and family gatherings, your employees will definitely appreciate this!
Surprise! You’re off.
Plan a secret day off- announced the day before.
Fun and Games.
Bring a ping pong table or other game into the office. Have a Wednesday playing session or allow employees to use it every time they finish a project.
Happy Hour.
Hosting a happy hour is an easy one. Whether you decide to sponsor it or not, employees enjoy creating relationships outside of work.
Casual dress code.
Employees appreciate having a casual workplace. Whether its one day or all week, consider this simple perk!
Fantasy Football, March Madness, Etc.
Have a little office competition by supporting efforts to organize a league or team.
Office Gym/ Discounted Membership.
If you don’t have an office gym, consider paying for a portion of your employee’s gym memberships. It has been proven that healthy employees are happier and produce better work.
Fitness Incentives.
If gym memberships aren’t in your budget, offer fitness incentives to your employees. This can look something like “The Office” weight loss competition or giving one extra personal day to every employee that has a membership on their own.
Birthday Off.
Happy Birthday! When it’s your employee’s birthday, they get a holiday!
Free Spotify/ Rdio account
If your employees are working at their computers and listening to music, offer to pay for their Spotify or other music accounts. Most of these services run about $10/ month and help your workers get in the groove.
Summer sports tournament.
Get together once a week after work and play kickball, softball or volleyball.
Monthly raffles
Give away simple prizes like baseball tickets, business SWAG or Starbucks gift cards.
Applause award
Every month, recognize a hardworking employee by honoring them in front of the company. Hand them an award certificate and see them glow.
Hopefully one of these creative perks sparks some action. Keeping your employees happy and fulfilled is important and can reduce turnover while improving company reputation. For more ideas on employee recognition, visit PaperDirect.