9 Ways to Boost Student Morale

Student Recognition Ideas

Spring is nearly here, which means the end of school is nearly here. With summer so close, you might notice that your students are starting to get daydream in the classroom. From elementary schools to high schools, finding ways to boost student morale will help them reach the end of the academic year without a drop in grades or a loss of interest.

1. Plan a Field Trip

One way to get students excited about learning again is to get them out of the classroom. Plan a field trip to a museum or historical site that is relevant to what your students are studying.

If you have a tight budget, visit a public park and learn about the native plants and animals.

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2. Hold an Awards Ceremony

Create award certificates that recognize student’s achievements each week or month. Hold a short awards ceremony at the end of certain days or weeks to hand out the certificates. Giving out an award for perfect attendance, top test scores, or most creative essay will encourage students to keep working hard, even as spring fever sets in.

3. Get Interactive

Think of ways to get students involved in what they are learning. If you’re studying an historical event, have students act it out. Some popular activities include: The Oregon Trail and Student Government.

4. Focus on Interests

Students are more likely to pay attention if what they are learning interests them. Try to tie the lessons into contemporary students’ interests or assign projects that relate to their individual interests.

encourage students to set goals

5. Set Goals Everyday

Keep students going through each school day by asking them to set a small, achievable goal at the beginning of each lesson. The students can share their goals with others or keep them private if they prefer.

6. Offer Extra Credit

Some students love the sound of extra credit. Offer the chance to earn a few extra points on a test or essay by asking a particularly challenging question. If the students answer correctly, they get a bonus. If they don’t, it doesn’t hurt their score.

7. Ask Students How They Are Doing

Get a read on your students by asking them how they feel at the start of class. If students are having a bad day, they can give you a thumbs down sign. If they’re having a good day, they can give a thumbs up.

8. Add a Game

Games make class time go faster. Students learn while having fun. One of our favorite ideas is to have a Jeopardy! style contest in which students have to answer class-relevant questions in the form of a question.

9. Be Encouraging

Always have a kind word to say to your students. They might not get the answers right all of the time, but keep in mind that they are trying.

When student morale is high, your students are more likely to engage with you and to do his/her best. And when everyone is getting involved and doing their best, grades will soar–giving you more opportunities to recognize their success. Implement any or all of the above ideas to boost student morale at your school.