Are Seal and Send Wedding Invitations Formal Enough?

DIY Wedding Ideas

Apple Blossoms Fold-Up Invitations by PaperDirectChances are highly unlikely you’d ever catch Cinderella’s helpers sending out seal and send invitations for her highly formal wedding to Prince Charming.

Seal and send invitations are relative newcomers onto the wedding invitation scene, and they consist of a single piece of card stock that contains all the necessary information. You simply fold it in thirds, secure it closed with an included seal then pop it in the mail.

While seal and send invitations may lack the highly formal vibe you get with traditional wedding invitations, they do have a number of benefits.

No complicated components

At the very least, traditional wedding invites typically include the Jardin Fold-Up Invitations by PaperDirectinvitation, the invitation’s envelope, an RSVP card and the RSVP card’s envelope. Some may contain a photo of the happy couple or a map to the wedding destination.

While all these components can add to the formal vibe guests can expect from the actual event, they can also be a major hassle.

Not only are guests prone to losing one or more of the components, but whomever is stuck stuffing all those components into their little envelopes has one heck of a job to complete. Seal and send invitations remove the hassle and chances of losing the components by delivering all required information in one fell swoop. Most versions even come with a perforated RSVP card guests can simply fill out, detach and send back as a postcard.

Lower cost

Fewer components mean fewer things to pay for, making seal and send invitations typically less expensive than their traditional counterparts. Instead of paying separately for the invitations, the envelopes, the RSVP cards and envelopes, and any inserts, the seal and send option gives you one cost for the entire setup.

Limited versatility

One of the drawbacks of theVintage Filigree Fold-Up Invitations by PaperDirect seal and send option is the limited versatility. Traditional wedding invitations let you select a specific size, shape and design for the invite, along with your choice of envelopes and enclosures.

Seal and send invitations offer a variety of designs, but you can’t mix and match components because there are no components to mix and match.

Either type of invitation will certainly do the job of making sure people know about your upcoming wedding. Weighing the pros and cons of both can help you select the type that works best for you. Check out your choices at