Top 5 Ways to Say “Thanks” to Employees

Employee Recognition Ideas Helpful Resources Recognition & Motivation Ideas Uncategorized

Uncertain. Difficult. Challenging. You have probably heard these words used in abundance to describe these current times, but we can think of a better one: Thankful! Given the current climate we are living in, it’s more important than ever to show and express your gratitude to all of your employees. We have five ideas that you can implement right away…

Wedding Thank You Note Etiquette

Wedding Wording & Etiquette

Dancing Daisies Correspondence Card Set

Writing wedding thank you notes may seem like a daunting task, but it’s a necessary one. Wedding thank you note etiquette experts will suggest various and numerous tips for sending out thank you notes after your wedding, but if you follow these simple wedding thank you note etiquette “rules,” your guests will feel that their gift was appreciated. It’s in…

Why Send a Thank You Note for a Job Interview?

Designing Your Business Communication

If you have recently entered the world of the unemployed, you may be fearful, especially if it’s been a number of years since you have been out of work. While having a great resume, a confident, calm interview demeanor, and the right skill set are all crucial in landing that dream job, there are some other minute details you may…

Thank You Note Etiquette–Do You Know What’s Acceptable?

DIY Wedding Accessories

Balloons Confetti Notecards

In a world where technology rules and handwritten notes are practically extinct, there is one handwritten note that will never go out of style or become obsolete–the handwritten thank you note. There is absolutely no acceptable replacement to writing a thank you note to show your appreciation for a gift you received or a kind gesture someone extended to you…