Wedding Thank You Card Sample Wording
Every bride (and groom) must write (yes, with your hand) thank you notes for gifts they received. Despite the fact that most people communicate electronically via email, text message and social media, expressing gratitude using any of these media is simply unacceptable. As a newly married couple, you must share the responsibility of handwriting thank you notes to each and every person who gave you a gift. By taking the time to hand write a wedding thank you card, you have shown your gift givers that you really do appreciate their kindness and generosity.
If you are not experienced with writing thank you notes, they really are very simple and don’t have to be long-winded at all. Proper wedding thank you card wording requires that you thank the sender for a specific gift. It is important to be specific when thanking the gift giver because if you’re not specific, the gift giver may feel as though you are just writing impersonal thank you notes and that you really don’t remember their gift at all. Try something like this:
Dear Aunt Jean and Uncle Jack,
“Thank you so much for the beautiful wine decanter. Greg and I are looking forward to sharing our first bottle of wine as a married couple using the elegant decanter you chose for us.”
It is also suggested to include a sentence or two about how the gift will be used. Proper wedding thank you card etiquette also states that when you are given a gift of cash (or check), that you should not mention the specific amount in your thank note. Instead, write something like this:
“Thank you for the generous gift and joining us in celebration of our marriage. We are so excited to be able to add to the savings for our new home!”
In addition to the proper wording, be sure you address the gift giver properly by name and title, if applicable. For example, if the gift is from your aunt and her boyfriend, then you must address the thank you card to acknowledge both your aunt and her boyfriend. It is important to be specific when thanking the gift giver because if you’re not specific, the gift giver may feel as though you are just writing impersonal thank you notes and that you really don’t remember their gift at all.
If you’re recently married, be sure to order your wedding thank you cards online from PaperDirect!