Border papers are an item that your school can use in many ways. The different styles of border papers are perfect for matching with any type of event you’re having. Whether it’s an announcement or a flyer, border papers are a great way to add creativity and fun to your letter.
Stylish flyers are a great way to grab the attention of students. Pick the perfectly styled border papers to advertise your fundraiser, band concert, or musical. Display your event’s information uniquely and create a flyer that students will like to hold on to.
Teacher Handouts:
Teacher handouts are important because it’s a way for teachers to communicate with their students and their student’s parents. Pick the right border paper that will make your important stand out. Choose between fun and exciting or professional and minimalist.
Sign-Up Forms:
Styled border papers make great sign up sheets. Clubs can pick the border paper that best fits the event they’re recruiting for. Make the right first impression with a stylish border paper that goes perfectly with the event.
School Lunch Menu:
Display your school’s lunch menu in a fun way this school year! Decorate your menu with an ice cream or food themed border paper, adding excitement to the lunch hour. Laminate your menu and use it over and over again.
Classroom Newsletters:
Classroom newsletters are great for displaying information you want everyone to see. You can display test dates, pep rallies, fundraisers, and field trip dates. By choosing a professional and stylish border paper, you’ll be able to create a newsletter that students will read and want to keep.
These five ways of using border papers at your school are great for adding custom pieces. Using border papers in one of these five ways can either be professional or fun, for either students or their parents. Make sure to pick out the perfect border paper for your school online at PaperDirect.