Stylish Top Performer Trophies for the New School Year
With the new school year quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about ordering top performer trophies for your star students. PaperDirect has a large selection of trophies of all shapes and sizes, and they can be engraved with whatever message you need. Being recognized for a job well done is a very good feeling, and it’s so very important that children of all ages receive some sort of recognition when they do well or even just put forth their best effort but don’t necessarily “win” top honors. Getting a trophy not only inspires the recipient but affects those around the recipient as well.
Even when a student tries to appear too “cool” to receive a trophy or acts like he doesn’treally want it, it’s a natural human emotion to feel pride when you’re rewarded for doing a good job. It’s normal to feel proud
of accomplishing something or being the best at something. Even the coolest kid will probably rush home to show off the trophy and display it in the living room or bedroom with a huge smile on his face. No one is too cool to get a trophy, no matter how hard they try to act like it’s no big deal.
Custom Engraved Top Performers’ Trophies (and Plaques)
With PaperDirect, after you choose the trophy or trophies you like, you can add an engraved logo and the text of your choice to our custom trophies and plaques. You can put the name of the recipient, the date, and the specific name of the award such as “Most Improved Student,” “Highest Math Grade,” “Best Attendance,” or “Most Helpful.” If you’re the mother (or father) of a senior in high school, you may be asked to help out on the graduation ceremony or what is called the Senior Superlatives Night. This is a fun ceremony in which senior are recognized for being the “Funniest,” “Most Likely to Succeed,” “Best Personality,” Prettiest Eyes,” “Best Couple,” “Most Athletic,” and “Best Friends.”
With PaperDirect’s custom engraving, the top performers in your school will have something they can keep forever–something that will become more meaningful to them with each passing year.
Check out these stylish top performer trophies and note the variety of styles and designs PaperDirect offers. With custom engraving on all trophies and plaques and easy online ordering, PaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for student recognition and motivation ideas that really work.
If trophies are a bit out of your budget range, there are creative, inexpensive ways to reward students. Check out these PaperDirect blogs for some ideas:
- Attendance Certificates for Your Star Students
- Thoughtful Student Recognition Ideas
- Great Ideas for Classroom Recognition
- Ideas for Student Classroom Rewards