Tips for Junk Journaling Beginners


Did you know that the scrapbooking trend started in the 19th century? Back then, scrapbooking consisted of collecting and recording information about a family or individual in a decorative album. Scrapbooking is still around, but it has greatly evolved over two centuries, and in the mid-2000s Junk Journaling gained popularity.  Check out PaperDirect’s junk journaling page for even more ideas!…

Rewarding Employees in Creative, Inexpensive Ways

Employee Recognition Ideas

You Make A Difference Specialty Certificates

If you need ideas for rewarding employees without spending a great deal of money, you have come to the right place. Sure, you can take the easy way out and shoot off an email telling your employee he/she has done a great job, but there are more creative, personal, and meaningful ways to convey to your team that they are…

12 Company Picnic Themes

Employee Recognition Ideas Event Planning Tips Uncategorized

If you need another excuse to blow off a Friday and spoil your staff, this is it! Host a company picnic to recognize your top employees and thank the entire crew for their hard work throughout the past year. And you know, a party isn’t a party unless it has a theme. Here are 12 unique company picnic themes and…

How to Write an Employee Recognition Letter for Outstanding Customer Service

Employee Recognition Ideas

employee recognition letter for customer service

When an employee gives impeccable customer service, celebrate it. Providing words of thanks and feedback to the employee not only boosts their confidence and shows your gratitude, but it also confirms they are adhering to the ideals and goals of the company. In moments like this, the employee’s supervisor should consider writing an employee recognition letter for customer service. Not…

Types of Invitation Cards: Which to Use and When

Designing Your Invitation


The date is set and now you are tasked with spreading the word about your event. But, what type of invitation will catch their eye, and most importantly, be appropriate for the occasion? We’ve got the inside scoop on four of our best-selling invitations! Flat Invitations These sleek, open-face invitations display information about your event at a glance, so they…

Politically Correct Holiday Greeting Ideas

Designing Your Business Communication

Politically correct holiday messages

It’s not too much of a stretch to suggest that the age-old tradition of sending greeting cards to your friends, customers, volunteers, clients, or employees can be something of a minefield. Anyone who’s hoping to spread a little holiday cheer this season may be slightly hesitant for fear of their message not being politically correct. Not to worry, though! Here…

6 Ways to Safely Go Back to School

Back to School Helpful Resources Recognition & Motivation Ideas

Back. To. School. Most years, these words typically have mixed emotions across the board—teachers might jokingly groan, parents are excited to send kids back to class, and the kids themselves aren’t so happy. This year, back to school has more emotions than ever before. To help teachers and schools prepare for an uncertain 2020-2021 school year we have a few…

How to Stay Connected to Remote Employees

Employee Recognition Ideas Helpful Resources Recognition & Motivation Ideas

Use one of these five ideas to Stay Connected to Remote Employees.

Because of these unprecedented times, more and more employees are working remotely. Working from home may have its challenges, but there are lots of ways we can help you through it! Stay connected to all of your remote employees and keep morale up—check out these ideas to keep and maintain those strong connections. 1. Schedule a weekly conference call. Utilize…

9 Ways to Prepare to Come Back to Work

Helpful Resources Welcome Back to Work

Having and maintaining a safe, healthy, and welcoming work environment is more important than ever before. As many businesses slowly reopen their doors, you may be wondering what you can do to ensure the safety of all your employees–and boost company morale during these times, too.  While there are many facets to reopening your business including daily health screenings, addressing…

Top 5 Ways to Say “Thanks” to Employees

Employee Recognition Ideas Helpful Resources Recognition & Motivation Ideas Uncategorized

Uncertain. Difficult. Challenging. You have probably heard these words used in abundance to describe these current times, but we can think of a better one: Thankful! Given the current climate we are living in, it’s more important than ever to show and express your gratitude to all of your employees. We have five ideas that you can implement right away…